Preventing the Breakdown of Existing Relationships
I help couples in Lewes and Brighton who feel their relationship is not working or likely to breakdown completely
You're unhappy in your relationship
It is important to get early help and not wait until the relationship is broken. Relationships go through phases and ups and downs, these can be related to outside pressures; jobs, tiredness, children, worry, life stage and concerns about the future.
It’s really helpful to audit your relationship now and again, think about what you do want, what is missing and how to get back on track. I can offer a few sessions to help you have these important conversations in a useful way.
If one of you is thinking about separation
It is always hard if a couple are thinking differently about the future. I sometimes see individuals to help them think about these issues. If this leads into work with the couple I need to be clear about the information being shared so that there is trust and neutrality for you both.
If you are unhappy in a relationship for any reason and would like to see if I can help you, please fill in the form below or email or call me on 07801 909 970
“I’d like to thank you for all your help , we are communicating better and getting on better. You have made me think about positive future possibilities”